torsdag den 4. april 2013

Invitation to Humansensing seminar 2013, May 3rd 815-14, Nyhavnsgade 14(Friis building), room 2.39

Program for the Humansensing seminar 2013
When: May 3rd, 815-14
Where: Nyhavnsgade 14(Friis building), room 2.39
Enrollment - please click here

815 Coffee & registration
830 Research field:   Humansensing
Morten Aagaard,phd  
This years Humansensing seminar documents a growing interest in challenges within an umbrallo entitled “Humansensing” across a number of research fields. What constitutes the field in terms of fundamental theoretical questions, experiences with tools and methods and finally which challenges are investigated.
845 Ecological Momentary Storytelling – bringing down organizational
stress through qualifying work-life stories
Katja Lund,phd
We have in this user-test examined ways in which a combination of ecological momentary assessments and reflective dialogues can provide a methodological framework for qualifying work-life stories in the process of reducing organizational stress. Focusing on hearing impaired people in the Danish work force as well as primary school teachers, we have used a stress tracking method based on HRV-measurements coupled with mobile questionnaires and reflective dialogues. Findings in the user-test indicated that the method is a tool that creates a story-based foundation on which it is possible to start a process of talking about own experiences, stress and stressors, strategies, contexts etc. when dealing with organizational stress.
930 Measuring Emotion and Gameplay Experience in
Real-time with Electroencephalography 
Tom Garner, ass.professor
This presentation outlines and discusses the data obtained from a recent study into the impact of fear-eliciting sound stimuli upon human EEG within a computer video game context. Participants were required to play a bespoke game level whilst EEG data was collected from an Emotiv EPOC, a commercial-grade EEG headset. Biometric data was synchronised to and assessed alongside: video of player’s facial expression, event-log data and retrospective qualitative data, for affective contextualisation. Results revealed a repeating pattern of EEG response data, suggesting that the Emotiv EPOC may have the potential to automatically recognise player emotion in real-time.
1015 Break
1030 Measuring Emotional Experience Elicited by Sound Installations
Anders Bonde, ass.professor

In my presentation I will discuss some preliminary results of a joint study on audiences’ emotional experiences with interactive features of media art. The study, which took place at Zentrum für Kunst und Medientchnologie (ZKM) in Karlsruhe, Germany, centred on 12 sound art installations (compiled under the title ‘The Unheard Avant-gardes in Scandinavia’), and the object of the study was to find out whether the possibility of user interaction influences affective response and makes a difference for the experience. In the study, we used a mixed-method approach combining psycho-physiological measures, observed behaviour and self-reporting. 59 people agreed to wear a BodyMedia sensor (measuring galvanic skin response) while engaging with the art installations. They were told to move around in their own pace while we stayed in the background observing at what time they entered each installation, and at what time they left to enter into a new one. When finished they were asked to fill out a questionnaire concerning their emotional experience. We have not yet analyzed the results systematically, though it appears that there is a connection between level of user interaction and time spent. As for the sensor data, being a measure of the electrical conductance of the skin varying in moisture level, which may indicate shifting states of affect, mood or emotion, it was our hypothesis that the interactive devices made a significant difference in that regard. At the present moment, this issue remains to be investigated. 
1115 Test experimences evaluating musictherapy sessions with GSR sensor
Britta Frederiksen, phd 

In this presentation I will present the results of GSR measurements from a pilot study in my phd study. The phd study is a mixed method case study with the title: “The development of the therapeutic relationship in music therapy with forensic psychiatric inpatients with schizophrenia. I am in the process of evaluating the GSR measurements and if they can be used in a triangulation of qualitative data in my phd study. 
1200 Lunch
1245 Can media experience be measured with GSR sensors?
Morten Aagaard, phd 
At 4.semester humanistic information science at the Department of Communication & Psychology  a larger empirical experiment has taken place. 160 students have been exposed to a stimuli material while having measured their  GSR value. Futhermore the students were psychographically segmentised. The results of the analysis  will be presented and challenges when working with large amounts of data will be presented.
1330 General experiences in empirical work in Humansensing - final discussion 
Discussion, Niels Hannibal, ass.professor

For more info - contact Morten Aagaard.

Enrollment - please click here