onsdag den 2. april 2014

Visualisation of an evaluation of a datavisualisation course

During the last 3 weeks I have been giving a class in datavisualisation for 8. semester human science students. As a part of the final lecture I asked to type as many terms from the field datavisualisation in 5 minutes. I asked them to note the row number at which they had been placed at during the course. In a google form. Afterwards they where asked to create an visualisation of the data.
Below is a screenshot of the interactive visualisation of the evaluation.

You may access the interactive version from this link. Do so - you will appreciate the possibility to interact with the data!

The visualisation gives me as a teacher a new tool to measure the progress of the student in a field with many terms. It gives me a fast insight in the class and the single student.
And it gives me insight in where(physically) in the classroom  the students can learn the most.

onsdag den 12. marts 2014

Big Data presentation at Folkeuniversitet/Aalborg

I gave a presentation on Big Data - consequences and perspectives wednesday(March 12th) in which I argued
1) that the new empirical sources- digital footprints, ecological momentary assessment and sensor data combined with datavisualisation is a new "Wealth of the Nations".

2) Human science will benefit from the individualised and  timestamped data that documents changes over time.

3) The new data will change the structure of human science and enable practitioners to do individualised research.

The slides are available here(in danish).