onsdag den 7. september 2011

Quantified Self at Psykology?

I had "15 minutes of fame" for the psychology student at 3 semester at Aalborg University in which at promoted the idea og creating a Quantified Self Group in Aalborg. A group that should "wise" or heterogeneous composed but the main fragment should be psychology students.

Johan Trettvik had been kind and gave me the time. Thanks Johan. I have a talk which motivated the students. The Ppt is here.

Johan had a very nice argument for supporting the initiative: when he recalls his own studies one activity that have had the largest impact was his involvement in external studygroups studying the german philosopher Luhmann. And I agree. My studies consisted of studies in Computer Science but indeed also in visions and opportunities for new technology. A QS group can easily be a splendid part of a very exciting study mileu.

The feedback from the students was dominantly positive. At the meeting and visitors at humansensing.blogspot.com was 13 that day. A couple have already mailed me.  I am looking forward to start the group with them.

At the meeting I was wearing 2 sensors. I promised to upload the data from the meeting. I will.



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