Rob Kranenburg, visionary, author and founder of the think tank "The Internet of Things" is comming to Institute of Communication and Psychology/AAU 10 of May and will be giving a lecture
Articles of Rob can be found at the bottom of this post.
Researchers within social medias, humansensing, psychology, INDIMEDIA, MAERKK
and researchers working with ethical issues.
Students interested in working with contemporary
and future challenges.
Rob has as educated in litteraturestudies and are having "helicopter view" on technology trends and are very much aware of the significant potentials and pittfals of the current development within IOT.
The internet of things, body area networks and Natural Born Cyborgs – treats and opportunities
Rob Kranenburg, director of IOT - the Internet of
Time: May 10th, 10-12 am, Nyhavnsgade 14, room 1.09
A new technological wave is rolling – IOT. The fact that
more and more things or devices are connected to the internet and are
interactive. One of these things are jewelries, exercise gadgets or preventive
ICT health equipment or technically speaking our body area network(ban) that
gives rise to new opportunities for persuasive cognitive support systems that
will give ease development of competence and ease handling difficult
challenges. On one hand. On the other hand the potential is that the devices
will eliminate vital cognitive competences. Private logdata will be the new
source of wealth for the individual and for the big corporation.
Being a natural born cyborg is not 5 years away rather 5 month.
Being a natural born cyborg is not 5 years away rather 5 month.
Rob Kranenburg will present IOT, ban and discuss the new
techno-political agenda.
Rob gave an excellent talk with an remable outsight!
SvarSletHis slides is available here: